- doc
- anonymous internet
- Проблема: не работает wi-fi
If your Wi-Fi interface is not working, you might experience the following:
There is no Wi-Fi menu in the system menu:
There is a Wi-Fi menu in the system menu, but connecting to a Wi-Fi network fails.
The interface is disabled because MAC address anonymization failed:
In this case, you can disable MAC address anonymization in the Welcome Screen. Doing so has security implications, so read carefully our documentation about MAC address anonymization.
The following notification appears:
Activation of network connection failed
Чтобы подключиться к Интернету, можно:
Использовать Ethernet-кабель вместо wifi (если возможно). Проводные интерфейсы куда более надежны в Tails, чем wifi.
Раздать соединение wifi со своего телефона. Можно также раздать по USB-кабелю: такое подключение иногда называют USB tethering.
См. инструкции для:
Only sharing mobile data works on iPhones and iPads; sharing Wi-Fi does not work.
Tails cannot hide the information that identifies your phone on the local network. If you connect your phone to a:
Wi-Fi network: the network can see the MAC address of your phone.
This has security implications that we explain in our documentation on MAC address anonymization. Some phones have a feature to hide the MAC address of the phone.
Mobile data network: the network is able to know the identifier of your SIM card (IMSI) and the serial number of your phone (IMEI).
Купите USB-адаптер для wifi, который работает в Tails:
Vendor Model Size Speed Price Buy offline Buy online Panda Wireless Ultra Nano 150 Mbit/s $18 No Amazon Panda Wireless PAU05 Small 300 Mbit/s $65 No Amazon ThinkPenguin TPE-N150USB Nano 150 Mbit/s $74 No ThinkPenguin If you find another USB Wi-Fi adapter that works in Tails, please let us know. You can write to support@tails.net (private email).
Check in our list of known Wi-Fi issues if there is a workaround to get your Wi-Fi interface to work in Tails.